Tuesday, October 30, 2012

News -- Limited Edition Bohemia Flyers Appear in Australian Record Store, Jelly Sounds

Limited edition flyers advertising Bohemia are popping up all over the world, including Australia's finest record store, Jelly Sounds. Dubbed as having "the world's largest selection of vinyl records", the shop boasts a dedicated fan base to their online stock.

Extending throughout Australia, New Zealand, the US, the UK, Canada, and more, Jelly Sounds followers recently got a taste of Veronika Carnaby's debut novel through an announcement on the store's official Facebook page. This proves to be one among many more appearances to come.

If you've spotted the flyer in your neck of the woods firsthand, send us a message and we'll post the photo to Veronika Carnaby's Facebook and Twitter, as well as the front page of her official website.

For more information about Jelly Sounds, visit http://www.jellysounds.com.au

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

News -- Veronika Carnaby Interviewed on Shah Warton's WordsinSync & the Bibliophilic Book Blog

Check out Veronika's latest interviews with Shah Warton's WordsinSync and the Bibliophilic Book Blog, where she provides insights on her latest work!

"Discipline is something that all writers need to possess. Imagine sitting in an empty hotel room at noon on a Wednesday. You could do anything you wanted, free as a bird, but you need that discipline to anchor you down and write."

Read the entire interview on Shah Warton's WordsinSync and the Bibliographic Book Blog, respectively.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

News -- Read in a Single Setting Talks to Veronika Carnaby

Don't miss Veronika Carnaby's latest interview with Read in a Single Setting, where the author sheds light on her writing process and shares her opinion on the literary market of the past, present, and future.

“Whenever a writer introduces the public to a new concept or technique, the audience immediately defaults to a negative reaction. They only come to accept it with the passing of time,” says Veronika Carnaby, author of Bohemia, a novel that chronicles the lives of a group of mid-century twenty-somethings seeking creative fulfilment.
Read the entire interview here: http://www.readinasinglesitting.com/2012/10/20/veronik-carnaby-audiences-are-wary-of-new-concepts-and-techniques-in-fiction/

Friday, October 19, 2012

News -- Veronika Carnaby Interview and Favorable Review of Bohemia Featured on Read, Rate & Review

Jaime Neally of Read, Rate, & Review recently conducted an interview with Veronika Carnaby, where they discussed her new book, Bohemia. Accompanying the interview is a favorable review of the novel, in which Neally recaps "the adventures of a twenty-something and all the experiences she goes through at this young age".

Read both the REVIEW [SPOILER ALERT] and the INTERVIEW, now running live on the magazine's website.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

News - Read Bohemia Excerpt on Book Reviews by Dee

Read a brief excerpt from Bohemia published in Book Reviews by Dee, along with some background information on the novel and author Veronika Carnaby.

"I took to the heart of the town by foot, passing by the shingled buildings, wooden cross bridges, and soggy, leaf-adorned porches of New England. I just loved experiencing the newness, tasting a wacky flavor, bursting with the spirit of suburbia, indulging in the evening sunsets, blooming pine trees, and piles of dried-up grass, something which just wasn’t readily disposable in the city. I made my way down Main Street, the area of Nashua that pulsated with small town energy more than anywhere else."

Visit Book Reviews by Dee to read the entire excerpt.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

News -- Bohemia Finds Mention on Ed Sullivan Show, Jenn's Review Blog

In the last month, readers have tracked down Bohemia mentions in at least two sources: the Ed Sullivan Show official Twitter account and Jenn's Review Blog.

Have you spotted a Bohemia mention anywhere? If so, send us a message HERE or post on Veronika Carnaby's Facebook wall to bring it to our attention and have it posted on the front page!

News -- Little Library Muse Talks to Veronika Carnaby

Extra! Extra! Read all about Veronika Carnaby's novel and interests in a new interview published on Little Library Muse.

 "My fuel is my passion. If I didn't truly respect and value writing, I wouldn't have stuck with it and persevered the way I have for so many years."

Read the rest of the interview here: http://littlelibrarymuse.blogspot.com/search/label/Bohemia

Friday, October 12, 2012

News -- Bohemia Contest Open: Enter to Win Feature, Personal Call, Vinyl, and more!

Calling all readers! Veronika Carnaby challenges you to the Bohemia contest, where you can play for prizes galore. Read on for more information on how to enter, how to win, and what's up for grabs....

Each individual who posts a review on Bohemia's Amazon or Goodreads page, regardless of the rating, will have their review listed on Veronika Carnaby's front page, readily available for thousands to see.

Those who share Bohemia's Amazon link with a brief message on Facebook or Twitter and have at least one person re-post it, will have a guaranteed Fan Feature on Veronika's Facebook & Twitter pages. Fan features will spotlight fans and allow them the opportunity to share their own message with the public. Be sure to tag @VeronikaCarnaby in your posts.

Whoever reviews the book, shares the link, and yields at least 5 re-tweets/shares will be eligible for the Grand Prize Package: a personal telephone call from Veronika Carnaby, a copy of one handwritten manuscript page, and a choice between an autographed copy of Bohemia, a signed photo, or a mystery vinyl (45 rpm).

Those interested in entering for the Grand Prize Package must submit the following: a link to their tweet/Facebook post(s) that clearly indicates the number of people who have re-tweeted/shared it, a link to their review, and the name of their favorite singer or band.

SUBMIT ALL ENTRIES HERE:  http://veronikacarnaby.blogspot.com/p/contact.html

Contestants have until January 1, 2013 to enter. Good luck!

  • Eligible participants must be 13 and up. Open to international participants.
  • Deadline: January 1, 2013
  • Prizes: Review listing on front page of Veronika Carnaby's official website, Fan Feature on Veronika Carnaby's social networks, and/or grand prize package including: personal telephone call, a copy of one handwritten manuscript page, and choice between signed Bohemia, signed photo, or mystery vinyl (45 rpm).
  • Only entries received through Veronika Carnaby's official site will be valid for the Grand Prize Package.
  • Grand Prize Package winner will be determined at random.
  • Reviews from book blogging websites not eligible.
  • Link posts not tagged with @VeronikaCarnaby will not be eligible.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

News -- For Books' Sake Talks To Veronika Carnaby

In For Books' Sake latest feature, the online magazine "dedicated to promoting and celebrating writing by women" discusses the Carnaby's influences, literary style, and decision to go independent.
“A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that they have to meticulously plan each scene to create an effective story, but sometimes, it’s ok to stray from the norm and go with the flow.” - Veronika Carnaby about taking risk in writing
 Read the entire article here: http://forbookssake.net/2012/09/25/for-books-sake-talks-to-veronika-carnaby/

News -- Bohemia Giveaway: Enter to Win Free, Signed Copy

If you're a resident of the US and have yet to purchase your copy of Bohemia or are interested in getting your hands on another one, you're in luck! Sign up for Just Another New Blog's raffle to win a free, autographed paperback of Veronika Carnaby's debut novel, featuring words from legendary jazz musician, Archie Shepp! One lucky winner will be chosen at random after two weeks. Open to US residents only. Raffle ends on October 25th.

Don't miss your chance to own the novel that has earned support from critics and readers alike!

Sign up and read more about the giveaway here: http://www.justanothernewblog.com/2012/10/book-give-away-bohemia-by-veronika.html

News -- Find Veronika Carnaby on Goodreads

Join Veronika Carnaby's official Goodreads Author Page and keep up to speed with news, announcements, releases, appearances, & more! Also stay up to date with Veronika on her official Facebook page, official Twitter account, Amazon Author Page, and Eventful Tour Page! Click the respective logos to visit each page.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

News -- New Veronika Carnaby Interview on Ed & Em's Review's

Don't miss Veronika's latest Q&A session with Edwin and Emily of Ed & Em's Reviews! In this segment, she discusses her current career endeavors and future aspirations at length, as well as some fun 'Quickies'!

"With this story, I wanted to portray the fact that stepping outside of the boundaries can be ok and that it shouldn’t always be frowned upon, as it was and very much still is. That’s not only mirrored in the character’s actions and attitudes, but also in the freeflowing technique that the book was written in. " -- Veronika Carnaby on Ed & Em's Reviews.
 Read the entire interview here: http://edandemreviews.blogspot.ca/2012/10/interview-with-veronika-carnaby.html

Friday, October 5, 2012

News -- Veronika Carnaby Interview Featured on Nicki J Markus

Veronika Carnaby's latest interview with Nicki J Markus is out! Read the full interview where she discusses her career and her recent efforts with Bohemia. Also, browse through some links of interest relating to Carnaby and her book, including her Amazon Author Page: http://www.nickijmarkus.com/2012/10/veronika-carnaby-author-interview.html